Monday, October 19, 2009

Where to start...

As if I have the time, I decided to take on this endeavor called blogging. I have many things I could rant or ramble about concerning personal growth, politics, photography (my business), the law (as I am a law student), and other oddities that happen in my daily life - because who really wants to hear about the "common" things, right?

Even if I am the only one reading this, I believe it is important to write things down. No, I am not of the allusion that blogging is some form of ancient Hieroglyphics to pass on to generations to come, after all, all of this is subject to mercy of some server somewhere in some room. The truly important thoughts you or myself think are those we share with God and those with whom He gives us influence. This on the other hand is just another outlet to interact with the world around me, or not so around me. It's not so rare to "think out loud" these days, so that's exactly what I intend to do here, that is, THINK - in the deafening tone of text!

So if you do stumble upon this blog, maybe I will have an epiphany that will be useful to you or someone you know. Sit back and enjoying my journey of thinking through the 26 characters of text and the occasional number or two. And as always - feel free to jump in. -sa